Episode 4 Real Talk: Barnardo’s LINK therapist Mikko Hung

In this episode, we chat got to chat to Mikko Hung, Barnardo’s LINK therapist. We chat about Barnardo’s British National Overseas (BNO) programme for Hong Kongers moving to the UK, her experience as a social worker and therapist, and her advice for others.

Barnardo’s is UK’s leading charity for children and families. Last year, they launched a dedicated helpline to support ethnic community families.

Since February 1st 2022, the helpline has been expanded to also offer dedicated services to Hong Kong British Nationals (Overseas) relocating to the UK.

For more information, please visit their website: https://helpline.barnardos.org.uk/hong-kong-bno

A special thanks to Kevin Jim and Codie Lee for helping with the translations from English to Chinese (Traditional).

Ad: Barnardo’s Boloh Helpline

The Boloh Helpline was created to offer dedicated services to Hong Kong British Nationals (Overseas) relocating to the UK.

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